Wednesday 23 May 2012

A brother's whisper

Bismillaahi Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem,

Assalam 'Aleykum waRahmatullaahi Wabaraktuh dear readers,

In this hectic period of (dunya) examinations & tests, it seems that I only manage to blog when something out of the ordinary happens to me. Like today.

The story goes like this...

Location: a packed library
Characters: Myself, a brother and a sister

11am: I decide to head towards the library in order to start on some over-due work. I quickly manage to find a seat despite the crowd and begin my report. I hadn't written more than 5 sentences when I was unexpectedly interrupted by a whisper behind me which almost made me jump from my seat. I turn around very swiftly and find a bearded individual standing there. At that very uncertain moment where a million thoughts are running in my head, I recognise the brother who is actually in one of my classes. The brother continues his whisper whilst casting his gaze downwards:

'Excuse-me sister, can you see that sister behind the printer? Do you know her?'

As I hear these two sentences, my cheeks turn red, my throat dries up, my fingers interlock and my eyes stare at the sister who is so innocently waiting for her papers to come out of the printer. At that point I was totally bewildered, I mean the brother in question had never spoken to me before and I had always thought that he was a married man with children so I was extremely confused as to why he would ask me such a question!

I replied: 'No, I don't know her'

He added in a hurried whisper: 'Could you please find out if she's married? Don't tell her anything about me, just find out if she's available.'

'OK' I replied astonished and shocked.

Then he left and I turned back to my books and computer screen.

However it was impossible to concentrate, I had agreed to do something I'm completely against despite my own will. I felt trapped.
On one hand, I couldn't (and didn't want to) begin an argument (with this individual) as to why this is wrong and anyway, you are not allowed to talk in a library!!!) Yet on the other hand, I had said 'OK' and he would be waiting for the answer.

As I scribbled in my notebook, my vision could capture the sister (the brother also sat in a convenient seat which allowed him to see the sister but also witness my heroic move if it happened).

11:07am: The sister collects all her papers and takes her bag. I can feel the nerves but in all honesty I had already decided (in my head) that I would not tell her anything but I felt nervous because the brother was supervising all her and my movements. I look at her direction and she walks right behind me with few of her friends. She stops, looks towards me and leaves the library. The brother was also sneakily looking at her behind his book.

11:15am: Still confused at the whole thing, I decide to leave the place and get some fresh air.


This was probably one of the strangest encounter I've ever had and if you're a brother, never ever do this. Not only this annoyed me (being interrupted, having a brother whispering, pointless request ect..) but it seemed so wrong to me. At one point I felt to tell the brother: 'Check my post: Best scenarios Part 1, it should help you'.

After ample reflexion, I feel sorry for the brother and anyone who is in the same case. It's not easy remaining chaste and seeking halal marriage. The struggle he's probably going through is bigger than the annoyance I've felt as I was interrupted. I pray that Allaah helps this individual (and the rest of us) in seeking the halal and leaving the haram in every matter.


  1. A salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmahtullaah .... I agree with it you but then again I object to it.

    If a brother whether married or unmarried approaches u or any sister for marriage or is inquiring about marriage u should just b truthful and straight to the point.

    Tell em how it is.

    Yes I am looking to get married .... Or no I ain't looking to get married. BaaraakaAllaahu Feek!

    Move On ... Be about ya business!

    U shouldn't have to compromise with any1 nor ur self.
    Especially if u ain't comfortable with it .

    Because if u agree to do something and don't do it ... Or agree to something and have no intention of doing it then you fall under the Hadith ...

    Where the Rasul ( Alayis salaam ) mentions there are 3 traits of that of a Munafiq and if any are found in a mumin then he or she has to give it up.

    1. When they speak they lie
    2. When they are trusted with a affair the prove to be treacherous
    3.When the make a convenant they they break it

    And Allaah also Mentions that Verily the Amanah will be Questioned!

    So u should have fulfilled the brothers request but should have politely told him how u felt afterwards. And Neva succumb to pressure when under fire. Remain @ cool @ all times.

    I hope this reaches u in good health and Eeman .

    Wasalaamu Alaykum

  2. wa aleykum salaam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

    JazakAllah Khayr for the nassiha.
