Friday 16 December 2011

2 Best Marriage Proposals Scenarios (Part 1)

Scenario 1:

Requirements: a good religious brother, a good religious sister, a nice wali, piety & tawakul (trust in Allah), lots of good & well-informed people/community

Brother Ahmad is a young practising brother who is looking to get married, he hears of Sister Khadija & decides to further enquire about her. He asks people around the community who might know her to give some insight into who the sister is, her family, her status (maybe she’s already married?). Maybe she is active within Islamic circles? Or maybe she is related to some people Ahmad knows? Maybe Khadija attends the same activities as Ahmad? Regardless, he finds informations about her & he is very happy about what the feedback he is receiving so he decides to pray istikhara & goes forth with it. He somehow manages to see Khadija outside to have a quick look before taking the first step in contacting the wali. Few days later, he is shown who the wali (most usually the father) of Khadija is & starts giving him salams in the masjid or wherever he sees him.
 Ahmad informs his parents concerning his intentions of going to Khadija’s father & asks his family to try and gather as much extra info he could do with. One evening, after Maghrib, brother Ahmad with his heart almost ripping his chest approaches Uncle Musa (Khadija’s father) accompanied by his father. Ahmad’s father calmly explains his son’s desire to get to know Khadija within the well-defined Islamic limits. Uncle Musa accepts & the very same evening informs Khadija regarding the news, Khadija is surprised but excited and agrees to get to know Ahmad. Within the next weeks, Ahmad comes regularly at Khadija’s house to discuss various issues pertaining to marriage, their views on different issues, to question one another, to present their ideas ect.. The meetings are carefully arranged & Uncle Musa is never too far away from the living-room. After a good number of meetings & with a determined heart, Ahmad decides to ask Khadija’s hand in marriage to her father. Uncle Musa asks Khadija and she blushes profusely & softly manages to say: ‘yes, abu’.
The happy news is spread & the wedding is scheduled.
Notes: In this scenario you do not find any of the following things:
-          No contact with the sister before the Wali is informed of the brother’s intention
-          No mixed message coming from the brother
-          No dodgy, secret and weird meetings outside the university or coffee place
-          No exchanging of pictures or phone calls
-          No naughtiness : p
Good things you find in this scenario:
-          Tawakkul in Allaah (swt)
-          A determined & well-prepared ‘plan’
-          Good information regarding what he is putting himself into
-          Honest & genuine approach

Scenario 2 will be published shortly inshallaah.


  1. Well every1 scenarios are different.

    And Of course Allaah The Most High Knows Best!

    But I agree 100 % with The Article & Notes.

    The Sunnah is The Sunnah!

    And we cant Argue about That ... Na ' am!

    May Allaah Grant you both Tawfeeq in your Naseehah and Dawah!

    Allaahumma Ameen!

    Keep it Up!

    You both have my Support!

    Aasalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmahtullaah

  2. Wa'aleika salaam WaRahmatullaah WaBarakatuh,

    May Allaah (swt) reward you for your consistant support, we really appreciate it. Have a look at the announcement, we would like you to share some of your thoughts on the topic if you would like inshAllaah.
