Tuesday 26 October 2010

Polygamy: Advice for brothers (again)

Asalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh

You're most probably thinking 'oh no, not another polygamy rant by a sister!' You needn't worry in sha Allah. I've come but as an adviser to my unmarried (polygamy loving) brothers. Unraise your eyebrow please.

Marriage as well as Jinns are Muslims favourite topics. We can talk about them for hours (hence why I am typing this right now and your eyes fixated on your screen) Single sisters like to talk about marriage, and for some strange reason, it just never gets boring. Inevitably, polygamy pops up during the discussion. There are no heated debates or heart attacks when polygamy is mentioned. Why should there be? However, the heat begins to rise when a sister is asked whether she would be let her husband marry another woman. We talk about marriage and polygamy, which probably means brothers talk about it all the time (I'm kidding. I am sure it's not all the time. Most of the time) It appears as if quite a few brothers do not seem to mind marrying one, two, three or four. Isn't this the dream of the ultimate macho man?

So,  we've established that you wan't a 2nd wife, now or after you get the 1st one. You wish to have a young pious sister who hasn't ever been "touched". A younger version of your 1st wife, most probably.

Rightio! I am going to have to tell you to take pause for a second. Listen to me brother.

In one of my previous posts I mentioned the disabled unmarried sister that I met in the masjid. Sadly, divorce rates amongst Muslims seem to be soaring, so there are divorcees with children too. And not forgetting widows. Dear brother, do you understand how difficult it is for these women to re-marry? If you are truly looking to marry for the sake of Allah, why not consider marrying a woman who is in this position? I thought you were a hard macho man?
Wallahil atheem This is a problem that I see from afar. Brothers are running to re-marry shy virgin girls while there are so many other girls who would happily accept marrying as a 2nd wife. Leave the shy single sisters for the shy unmarried brothers. Also, if you are considering a 2nd wife and your bestfriend is single, for crying out loud, help him out. Wish for your brother what you wish for yourself.

This is a bit of a rant yes but I hope you take at least some consideration to what I have mentioned.

Also, we have a facebook page. Add us! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Roadtrip-to-Zawajland/116370088419065

Umm Mus'ab


  1. Asslamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh!

    Masha Allah.. A beautiful advice to brothers..

    Jazakam Allahu Khairaan!

  2. Assalamu 3alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,

    This is the best advice anyone can give to brothers who are looking to practice polygamy. And honestly, I'm sure your first wife wouldn't mind that much if you were marrying a widow or a divorcee, etc.
