Thursday 17 March 2011

I don't wan't to eat your disgusting food! Talaq!

I don't wan't to eat your disgusting food! Divorce me!

You have no ilm, you are so jahil. Please just divorce me!

You've gained weight Halima. Hit the gym or expect me to say the T word. 

If you don't come back from work at 5:59pm on the dot, I will divorce you. 

Eww, you're getting a reseeding hairline. Purchase some hair growth cream or I'm leaving you. 


Asalamu alaykum.

In recent decades the Ummah of Muhammad (saw) has seen a rapid increase in divorce. At (most times, I hope) for serious reasons but at other times it can be as silly as the incidents mentioned above. First of all, although I've never been married, I understand that not every marriage is written to work out. I also acknowledge that a couple may have differences which may lead them to separate. Alhamdulilah, Al Aziz knows His creation and He has not made divorce unlawful for us. However Allah ta'ala does not like divorce as stated in the Holy Qur'an: "The most hateful halal (permissible thing) to Allah is divorce" (Surah 2:102)

None of us plan to get divorced but some of us do. And only Allah knows if you or I will end up a divorcee. Our most powerful weapon is duaa. Thefore ask Allah to bless you with a spouse with taqwa and trust in Allah, and ask Allah for the same for you. Too many times we expect the spouse to be the one that should be better or more upright, which is incorrect. You need to look at yourself before looking to a potential spouse. Why should somebody marry you if you are not trying your best to obey Allah and be a good person?

This is advice for myself before anybody else. Just because you may be ready for marriage financially or physically, it does not mean that you will end up in a successful marriage. Be content with what Allah has given you and do not enter a marriage hoping that all your problems, insecurities and worries will disappear. Yes, getting a spouse will have a great benefit and blessing for you and Allah will reward you for following the Sunnaah of Rasoolullaah (saw) and of course Allah does not burden a soul more than it can bear. But we are humans and we have flaws and we make mistakes which may led us to get divorced. We are not created like the Angels who listen and obey to constantly. So please do not imagine marriage to be look like the castle from Disneyworld. There will be ups and downs, disappointments as well as surprises, joys and moments which you will never forget. May Allah make us better people who fear Him and obey Him and may He attribute to us the characteristics of those who will enter Jannah. Ameen.